
Faiz Abidin
3 min readSep 2, 2019


Consider this, an answer to your very question that you throw on me few days in a row on “what kind of person I am?”.

Me as your brother to you, I would fairly admit that it was a hard time to describe what kind of person you’re because simply I am a type that hardly, judge nor look into people mind and action simply, I don’t how and I don’t even wanted to. I am accepting the bad and the good in a way I don’t know – they are perfect for me.

I guess that, I am being me all along, loving and caring people that I wanted to in a way that I don’t even care what kind of people are they.

But as you requested, and you truly insist me, then, I would do my best describing you but I sure to agreed that my view, my opinion, my perspective towards you were different than others look and judge into the very you.

  1. You’re loving and kind.

No doubt but it is. In a way, people alongside you will had a rough time try to repay on what you did and what you done to the people that you loved. Those people is me to be included. You didn’t realized, how much you meant for me, how much you’ve done to me and my life in a way, I overcome my depression. I admit about that. I really do. You are among the people saved me, after all. By that, I think you should know you’re loving, in a way it was too overpowered to a certain extand, hardly to comprehend.

You’re kind where time doesn’t matter to you. You will spend it if it worth it – to the people that you loved, to the people that you really cared about.

2. You know what the hell you’re doing.

I mean, some people follow the flow of living and so do I most of the time. You? No. Maybe you didn’t even realized it, but you have a set of plan onto something that important such as your life future, how you gonna live for tomorrow or next week, or maybe that the plan for the next trip or next weekend. You’re futuristic – always thinking what you wanted for ahead of time.

3. You overloved.

As indeed we are on the same coin in terms of this point. We a kind of people will do almost everything. EVERYTHING – to keep those people stay but the disadvantages is : we will mourn when people that didn’t go to our expectation. No no, you actually didn’t want them to repay what they give to you but simply you wanted them to stay, for you. That is loving after all.

4. You’re a rational person (already).

Rational – /ˈraʃ(ə)n(ə)l/ – adjective

Meaning : based on or in accordance with reason or logic.

What is it to be rational? An individual appears to be rational, rational being his actions. But what does it mean to act in a rational way? Let us turn to the notion of rationality as a characteristic of human activity and those phenomena the notion in question describes.

5. You’re simple.

The point said it own meaning, you’re simple. On physical, on the daily action. You go as you go – you step back as you stepping back.

It is a bummer but when people getting know you even more though time, you’re something to be hold for.

6. You have self control.

Self-control, regardless of what we are doing, whether it involves a physical act or a mental decision, must be maintained to produce desirable results. If emotion takes over, reason usually flies out the window and the acts or decisions are not likely to be as productive as they should be. For the most part, you are kind a person that I repesct, have a powerful self control.

I guess that’s it. I do maybe talk less or maybe more but I don’t know. But truly, what ever it is, I am here, I am promise to you. Be tough, be beautiful, work hard and keep on loving. Just throw away stupid mindset and those people that dumped you. Keep on going. The best always be, for all of us.

Faiz Abidin.



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