Dear You,
I formerly again stumble upon a small letter with my horrible grammar just to flow anything inside myself; the riddle that I simply could not overcome into a solid explanation.
Dear You,
I think it is the longest time in my life that I let You float my boat with myself inside of it – in Your vast blue ocean. You the one who indeed control the weather, the taste of water, where wind gonna blow and as indeed You the one who dictates my destinations – for how long and for how short the stay. I hardly do making an effort to stayed alive and You know that I do it very hard as very tangible as I can.
Dear You,
Back then I was indeed thought that I was in total control. I could sail to where I wanted with what kind of speed with what kind of load with what kind of boat. Then finally You hit me with the thought that I was powerless, flowerless, and I am grateful for experienced that and finally, I understand that You’re indeed the best planner as You’re.
Dear You,
Save me like You always did because I know deep inside I was not as fine silk like I was before. I am letting You know that I do put myself in You. You’re indeed the Al-Mighty. I don’t have faith simply for myself anyhow and I do ask you, the heart maker to hold faith in the people that who still believe in me, the one who still loves me, the ones who still friended me, the people who still love be around me.
Dear You,
Save my parents. Love my parents more that I could a thousand years more. I do ask for forgiveness for their sins, for their mistakes. Bless them in every way possible because they do deserve it. Accept their good deeds without any restriction. Love them, love them, love them. Love them like never before. Give them a healthy life till the very end. Make their soul stronger as the sunsets pass by. Love them, love them, love them; both of them.
Dear You,
Bless the life of my friends, bless their entire family. Bless my family member. I do ask for a little lift for them to go through their daily life. Save them from any bad things, if you must. Love them, as You should. I do make mistakes to them with any of me could remember. Forgive me.
Dear You,
I am sick, I am sad. I do wish I know why. Help me, help me, help me. I do not ask to erase the pain but makes me stronger to embrace it, make me stronger to go through it, help me – along the way.
Dear You,
You are the one who created the human heart and indeed You are the one who controls them as you can lift or even bring it down. As you do, take care of mine and so did to the people around me.